Treating Muslims for PTSD

Religion / Spirituality

Treating Muslims for PTSD

A Pew Research Center analysis of new hate crimes statistics from the FBI found the number of assaults against Muslims living in America rose significantly between the years of 2015 and 2016. These figures surpassed the level of hate crimes reported even after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. And according to a report put out by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR),...[ read more ]

Can Muslims Benefit from Mental Health Therapy?

People from all cultures, backgrounds, and religious beliefs can suffer under the weight of mental health issues. Traditionally, therapists kept religion out of their office, focusing instead on their client’s mental well-being. But, since spirituality can play such a significant role in a person’s overall health, more and more mental health professionals are now beginning to incorporate the person’s religious...[ read more ]